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Date Posted: 12:39:51 03/04/03 Tue
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: Early EM4 Update

Hey guys, been working on the PPV for the past couple of hours, and just wanted to take a break to tell everyone how it's going.

What I've been doing is all the formatting, and graphics layout (yes, we're having actual match banners for this one, not just text)...basically all the really time consuming crap that I ususally do at the end. I figure if I get it out of the way now, things will move faster.

Now, I still have a couple matches to write, but that shouldn't be a big deal either. But what I am going to tell everyone is don't expect these to be up on Wednesday. I'm going to do everything I can to get them up, but I didn't have as much time to work on them this past weekend as I had hoped, so my time table got pushed back a little. If I rushed, I could have them out on Wednesday, but this is Electromania and rushing it just to get it out is NOT an option. I have a feeling most of you guys know that because of the amount of work you've all put in for the event, so I want to put in just as much work as you guys to make it the best event ever. And just looking at the outline I have written out, it very well could be. So that's where we stand, if I have the free time, then it'll be done sometime wednesday, but if I'm like 95% done late wednesday, and am running out of time, I'm not going to rush to get that last 5% done, I intend to take my time, and make everything the best it possibly can be.

Also, the date for next week's glory is going to be pushed back a bit just in case. I know I'm gonna be drained after writing this event and won't want to think about another set of results for a couple of days...so the Anchorage show will probably turn into a special Friday Night Glory...but it will still go on as scheduled.

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