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Date Posted: 03:26:12 03/07/03 Fri
Author: Hardcore Khan
Author Host/IP: NoHost /
Subject: Re: Tag team finisher
In reply to: Brett 's message, "Re: Tag team finisher" on 15:44:39 03/06/03 Thu

That move sounds pretty good. DDT from a pretty good height.
Simple move, effective. Khan is 6ft 1, so if Khan was to lift the opponent up, his head would be about 7ft away from the mat.
A normal DDT is usually put in motion after the victim is forced to be in sort of a ducking position. Meaning acceleration towards the mat will start at about 4 feet above above the destination point (the canvas).
Now, with this tag-tea finisher the victim's head will be accelerating from about 7ft above the destination point. Not only will the victim (man or woman, we dont care!) be forced to land into the mat head first by the person executing the DDT (Diamond Brett Healey), but HCK will be adding more vlocity to the movement by sort of throwing the person over in a stun-gun type move.
The velocity gained by the time the victims head hits the point of destination will be of great magnitude (especially when you think that DBH would have been running from behind, jumping and twisting then grabbing hold of the victims head). The impact will be great.

Now think of a name for this move:
You suggested 'JaxXx in the Box'...
What about 'The JaxXx Ripper'
'JaxXx Methodology'
or how about 'The Ride of your Life'?

You know how the Dudleys have the table gimmick? 3D on the table and stuff... Whatif HCK and DBH had a steel chair gimmick?

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[> [> [> [> [> Re: Tag team finisher -- Brett, 03:52:25 03/07/03 Fri (215.pth0212.pth.iprimus.net.au/

yeah great! But go easy on the JaxXx thing, u dont wanna give away our name before em4 do u? And how about our gimik be a stop sign on the floor so the opponent sees the word stop before impact, and for some reason theres always a stop sign under the ring ;). or a cricket bat lol, or we could always use the nwo's gimic with spray paint were we spray the letters "U.J." on their chest (u know what uj stands for) yep we can do heaps with our team.

and a name for the move, how about:
"The Hard Diamond Core" (i didnt know diamond have a core)
"STOP" (if we use the stop sign gimic, commentators can say, "stop stop stop!")
"Mass Destruction" (Poking fun at the USA)
"Liberty Down" (Again poking fun at the USA)

ok we can think of some more later, i know our team will be good.

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[> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Tag team finisher -- Hardcore Khan, 06:25:10 03/07/03 Fri (NoHost/

Hmmmm... Hard Diamond Core? Nah... sounds bit crap.

I think a steel chair is more lethal than a stop sign, but STOP has a good ring to it... something like 'STOP METHODOLOGY'... JaxXx in the BoxXx is still probably the best name

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[> [> [> [> [> [> [> Re: Tag team finisher -- Brett, 07:04:48 03/07/03 Fri (071.a.002.pth.iprimus.net.au/

first of all, dont go overboard with the xXxXxXxXxXxXx's, and what the hell is methodolgy?

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