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Date Posted: 10:28:39 03/09/03 Sun
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: Re: The Jax in the Box
In reply to: Brett 's message, "The Jax in the Box" on 02:13:19 03/09/03 Sun

I like the move... not only is it a devastating move, it's got a nice way to counter it which will make for an exciting finish to a match should the move ever need to be countered.

My only suggestion for it (and whether or not you use this suggestion is entirely up to you) is that to get a person in proper DDT position from that kind of height, Brett Healey is going to have to have one HELL of a jumping ability. We're talking Vince Carter ability here (for those of you who don't know Vince Carter, he's an american basketball player who jumped OVER a 7'2" frenchman in the 2000 Olympic games). So my suggestion would be for Healey to sit on the top turnbuckle with his feet on the second buckle. Then Khan whips the opponent into the opposite turnbuckle hard, so he stumbles back out. Then Khan lifts, and Healey jumps from the ropes so he already has the height needed to make the move work.

But again, totally up to you. Either way it's a good tag move.

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[> Re: The Jax in the Box -- Izzy aka Gyon, 18:00:57 03/09/03 Sun (0-1pool44-40.nas6.saint-louis1.mo.us.da.qwest.net/

either that or if you really want to get show boat with it when Khan lifts the person have DBH use the ropes as a springboard into a DDT. But that's me and I'm always for going that extra mile.

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