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Date Posted: 00:34:24 03/12/03 Wed
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: Thank you

To be honest, I can't even remember coming here posting that message, or updating the card with the pro title final. So when I read some of your emails before coming here, I was a little surprised. But nonetheless, I appreciate all the support, and well wishes, and understanding, it means a lot to me. I've always been one to deal with things by just trying to plod ahead, so that's what I'm going to do here. I'm not sure what'll happen or how much energy I'll have for this, but I'm sure as hell gonna try to keep going. With that said, I've managed some bits and pieces on the results today...not much, but it's a start. And I just have one full match left to do. (It's the truck bed match...didn't do things in order so I can't post the other stuff I have done because there'd be a hole in the action and some things wouldn't make sense). I hope to have that finished soon. I've had several offers for match writers, and while I appreciate them, I'm going to pass. It's something I want to do myself... I had originally planned on giving 4 matches out to people to write, and writing 4 myself (the 9th match to round out the line up was written by someone else even before the PPV was fully scheduled so I didn't count it in the line up when figuring all that out.) But with being sick last week, I ended up giving out 5 matches for other people to write. In other feds, that may seem like not a lot...but it is to me. I like the responsibility of writing everything, but obviously sometimes it's overwhelming. But still, I need to get through this third match for personal reasons...will be a small victory for me. Again, I thank everyone for their offers of help, and I especially thank Steve, Mike, Flabulas, TJ Raven, and Drew who all helped already with the card. Without you guys I'd be even more screwed than I am now and we may have gotten the results just in time for Electromania 9.

Anyway, in short, I'm still here, I'm gonna survive, and try to back into the swing of things around here as soon as I can. It'll be easier once I get this PPV done because I can keep the weekly cards in shorter format. Not planning on taking any extended time off, but that can obviously change at a moments notice. I'll definitely keep you all updated on whatever is going on that will effect everyone. Again, can't say it enough, thank you for your support and understanding, and keep up the great work.

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