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Date Posted: 22:05:57 03/12/03 Wed
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: EM4 Done and Posted *link inside, not on main page yet*

Ok, subject pretty much says it all. Main page will be updated sometime soon with the date and line up for the next card. Another big thanks to all those who helped with the results, this was definitely a group effort (group put more effort in it than I did, I'll admit it) I think I managed to get everything in some where...but if I forgot something, well, you know my story, and I'll try to work it in next show.

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[> EM4....... (Possible Spoilers) -- Tveite, 23:06:07 03/12/03 Wed (dialup-

..............................I don't even know what to call that, besides swerve fuckin' city. I'm so goddamn confused I don't even know where to begin. Ewwwww, does this mean that somebody's gonna have to wrestle a dead guy?

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[> [> Also Spoilers... -- Brett, 00:23:13 03/13/03 Thu (042.pth0411.pth.iprimus.net.au/

wow... For the first time in efed history, i got a chill from my lower back up to my upper neck at the end, and i still do now, i guess theres a lot of explaining to be done, this is great, what is going on, it feels so real even though its all a game, i cant wait to see what happens. I still feel the hair standing up.

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[> [> [> Re: Also Spoilers... -- Brett, 00:24:33 03/13/03 Thu (042.pth0411.pth.iprimus.net.au/

lol and i cant belive that the first jax in the box was done on stevens, good job prez, good job!

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[> Re: EM4 Done and Posted *link inside, not on main page yet* -- Freddie, 06:30:27 03/13/03 Thu (NoHost/

I think I wet myself... and I got to lead the charge!

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[> [> Re: EM4 Done and Posted *link inside, not on main page yet* -- Travis, 11:12:22 03/13/03 Thu (NoHost/

Alls I can say is damm, that card was worthy of like an Oscar, I mean there is so many stories that can come out of that event, and not just the main event but every match has a story steming from it. Congrats to everyone in involved and like Steve said no one is a loser in an event like that. I would like to pat myself on the back for finally winning the World title, also congrats to the Union Jaxx for winning the Tag titles, wear em proud boys cause I worked my ass off to make those titles what they are today and so did others. To Curtis Mayhem, it's sad to hear that you're leaving especially after winning the PRO Title but hey that title will survive with all the great competition here in the CWF.

To Drew, it's sad to see you leave but I'm glad that it was you that I finally got to face for the World title, you gave me the opportunity to be at the top of the card when you ran the CWF and it was a fitting ending I think for our feud and for your tenure in the CWF. I know you'll do a great job with your new fed of which I'm a part of.

To Injee, Rage, Lifer, Klaus, JYD? it is good to see you all back in the CWF and it's good because we need the legends in this company before the young uns take over.

And finally, I must say that I can't wait for the next card and have never been more excited to do a post ppv rp than I am right now. Can't wait to see where the angle with Klaus and JYD goes, personally can't wait to see who I start up with to face at the next ppv which btw is on my b-day. So to all those involved in the process of writing the card I say good job. it was worth the wait, like I knew it would be.

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[> [> [> All warm & fuzzy -- TJ Raven, 11:16:11 03/13/03 Thu (96.teknett.com/

Well I thought the PPV was great, sucked I lost but I'll just try harder next time, and hey from reading the reactions even the match I wrote seemed liked so :thumbsup: Next card should be great.

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