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Date Posted: 03:40:31 03/13/03 Thu
Author: Brett
Author Host/IP: 019.c.003.pth.iprimus.net.au /
Subject: Re: Got some bad news.
In reply to: Curtis Mayhem 's message, "Got some bad news." on 01:11:21 03/13/03 Thu

Your leaving? r u sure your making the right desision? I know i havn't gotten to know u at all, but it is kinda sad seeing a title holder leve, espesuly when u seem like u got a bit of a future a head of you, u dont need to leve to another fed, sure where going through some ups and downs (mainly downs) but i was really hoping that Mayhem and Healey could have a fude somewhere down the road, and at EM u got a huge angle with all the SINdicate stuff, r u sure your making the right desisions under aush a short notice? Can u please think twice, if u really wanna be with your friend just aks (persuade) the prez to squeze in one more or something. Once again, i know i havnt got to know u, but i really dont want you to just leve like that, and im sorry but i wont be able to go for the PRO since i got the tag titles and stuff going for me, i guess all i can do now is wish u good luck, or just hope that this "All mighty fed" gets some sort of a internet terrorist attack or something. I just hope u dont start a trend and make everybody quit, u could help by not telling the rest of us (even me) the name of this new fed's site, because maybe everyone will flock there. So everyone else please just keep faith in this fed its the best one ive ever been in, and dont follow Mayhem out, good luck Curtis, hope this other fed turns out to be real crappy for you so u come crawling back. r u sure there isnt more of an exuse to leave?

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[> [> No excuses, just the truth. -- Curtis Mayhem, 12:51:12 03/13/03 Thu (c68.119.160.171.rhn.wi.charter.com/

Dude, everything I said is true. We just stopped accepting applications just as my friend was about to join here. And the sad thing is, now, it wouldn't be just him that I'd like to get recruited here. There'd be four more. Don't think our roster is ready for that. And plus we have a bit of an angle worked out with a feuding stable over in this other fed. Hey, I hear ya, me leaving is kinda bogus, but me and my friend have been lookin for feds for the past three months. We found one, and for now, we'll call that home. Hey, if shit hits the fan, I guarantee that I'll be back. I guarantee it.

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