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Date Posted: 00:25:17 03/16/03 Sun
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: Re: Oi...
In reply to: Tveite 's message, "Oi..." on 21:36:12 03/14/03 Fri

Got a point there (the whole manson bit)... but I think Travis Smith put it best when he offered to be put into the tournament if needed... he offered to be in the tournament to give the belt credibility. It doesn't mean too much if you got a guy no one's heard of holding it... a name like Manson who's done a lot in the main event/world title scene would bring instant credibility to the PRO Title division and make it mean something more than just being a belt for the "mid carders".

And you're right, if the WWF had had all those guys as champions, it would have been pretty bad/unfair. But, when all those titles started out, they had to give them to someone, and they usually went with people with the name recognition, to establish the title. In todays age do you think people would have more interest right away in a title that was worn by Stone Cold first, or if it was first held by someone like Rodney Mack?

The PRO Title is meant to be a stepping stone to the World Title, but that's what I ULTIMATELY want the PRO title to be, right now to get it started off that way we need some big name power, to give people something to work towards. As much as we try to make E-Feds as real as possible, let's face it, we don't have decades to build up a title belt/division lol You're right, Manson does deserve to be in the main event scene...quite a few guys do, but if I put all the people who deserve it into the picture at once, then it'd be way too crowded. I try to cycle people in and out for two reasons, one, to keep things fresh and new, and two, to give those who deserve a chance, their opportunity, while moving the other guys into new angles/storylines as well. This way people are still making an impact in the federation even without going after the world title.

It'll be like I'm giving a monster push to the title belt at first and then letting it fall back a bit into it's rightful spot (think John Cena's original push w/nearly beating Angle, and slapping Jericho, etc..and then pulling back and making him into a decent mid carder). It'll make it important, but in the end, it'll be what it's really supposed to be.

I really didn't mean to go that in depth with my response, just like you, I was bored and felt like posting something.

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[> Re: Oi... -- Mike Manson, 09:31:51 03/16/03 Sun (pool-141-153-153-212.mad.east.verizon.net/

Hey guys, I'm bored and stuff, so I'm going to post 2.
Oh, btw, I am feeling 700% better, even though I am about 60% up to being normal me.

I'd like to thank Tveite for bringing this to the Prez's attention. I'd also like to thank you for actually saying that I am "an obvious World Title contender", because I recently have been doubting that as of late. As of late, being 2003.

Now, I'd like to thank the Prez. Just for comparing Mike Manson to Stone Cold, if you meant to do that.

Now, here is something that none of you guys mentioned. I'm not... Sure, I'll repeat it, I'm not the PRO champion.

So, maybe all of these post will have no point. Hey, I'm gunna go e-mail some people, so I am going to get going.


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