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Date Posted: 11:07:23 03/16/03 Sun
Author: CWF Prez
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: Contract Talk

The following people have contracts that expire on April 1st.

Brett Healey
Trent Rudiger
Hardcore Khan
J.P. Klash
J.B. Shooter
Chris Deville
Kevin Williams

If you wish to be booked past April 1st, then you must email me for contract renegotiations. And from this point on, for ANY champions, if you don't sign another deal by the time your contract expires, you will be automatically stripped of the title you possess. (This will not occur in the event of me not having the time to check my email, or computer trouble that prevents messages from going through)

There is a format that EVERYONE must follow when renegotiating a contract. You must email it to me, any contract talks on the OOC board will be ignored under normal circumstances. The subject of your email should be "CONTRACT OFFER".

In the body of your email, you must first include your current contract details. If you are not sure of what those are, check the earnings page, everything is listed there. Label that portion of the email as "Current Deal".

Underneath that, list the deal that you wish to have/think you deserve. Label this "Desired Deal".

Then, after that, I will take the time to review the deal you want, compare it to your current one, and then based on how well I think you've performed, I will do one of two things. I will either respond to you and say that your new contract is accepted as is, or I will respond to you with a counter offer. If I feel that you've over estimated your worth, or thrown in a clause that you don't really deserve, I will alter it accordingly to my thoughts, and then you will have a chance to respond to it either by saying you accept my offer, or by sending back another counter offer.

Also, if I feel you've under estimated your worth, and I feel that you're doing a better job than you think you are, I will respond with a counter offer that could be better in some areas than you were expecting.

I will try my best to be fair, and open minded. Therefore I will always be up for some form of negotiation and compromise with the first couple of deals, but if we can't agree on a deal within 2 or 3 counter offers, then I will offer a "Take it or leave it" deal in which you can either decide to resign, or you can pursue this game elsewhere. I don't see it ever reaching that point, but you never know.

Please follow the format, and if you have any questions about it, ask BEFORE sending in your negotiations.

Also, if your name was not on that list, that means you don't have a contract that expires on the first of April. However, as the general rule, ALL contracts are up for renegotiations after 3 months. That means, if you signed a long term contract on January 1st, you will be able to renegotiate as of April 1st. If you wish to do so, please wait until I make an announcement that I'm accepting renegotiation offers, as I don't want to be overwhelmed with everyone emailing me at once. I will take care of the people who NEED new contracts first, then move on to those who WANT new contracts.

And while I'm talking contracts, all new signees who have yet to be put on the earnings page will be placed there soon, and given contract offers hopefully before Glory this week.

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[> Re: Contract Talk -- Mike Manson, 15:13:18 03/16/03 Sun (pool-141-153-153-212.mad.east.verizon.net/

Can you not resign DBH?
Sorry, I just had to post that.

-MIKE "I'm almost dead, but getting healthier" MANSON

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[> Re: Contract Talk -- Brett, 18:36:53 03/16/03 Sun (i096-126.nv.iinet.net.au/

I'll be hear for a loooooong long time buddy

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[> [> Re: Contract Talk -- Tveite, 21:34:53 03/16/03 Sun (dsc02-mik-mn-3-168.rasserver.net/

Not if I have anything to say about it!

Loads shotgun

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