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Date Posted: 11:19:57 03/21/03 Fri
Author: CWF President Stevens
Author Host/IP: ts46-01-qdr1142.elnsbrg.wa.charter.com /
Subject: Can't do it

Ok guys, I need to do exactly what I didn't want to do, and just to take some time off. I'm NOT quitting, I just obviously need a break. I have no idea how long, but I know at least a week.

Now, you all could either decide to use the break with me, and just take time off from RPing or whatever, or someone could try to step in and fill in for me during my absence. However, I don't reccomend that because there are A LOT of angles/storylines planned for the upcoming weeks that would A) be a lot of work for me to send to the person who takes control and B) Be a lot of work organizing for whoever takes the job.

If the majority of you are looking to continue roleplaying for something with a purpose, then I reccomend someone stepping in and organizing a few CWF "House Shows"...yeah I know, the rules say no house shows, but this is special circumstances. What could be done is that someone agrees to book and write the event, and everyone forgets about current feuds/angles, and just has fun. This could be a chance to RP against or come up with an idea for a feud against someone you might not ordinarily think about. The matches won't count towards wins or losses, so you could have fun with it all. Book some main eventers against the new guys to give experience, book tag team partners against each other, etc...just for fun, nothing really serious. And RP towards that.

Of course, that's up to you guys. Since I really don't want to screw up any planned storylines or anything, your two options are taking a break, or doing the house show idea. And you don't have to check with me for either one...I'm taking a break, you can decide amongst yourselves if you want to do the house show thing who will book and write and such, and can post everything on the RP board or OOC board, or whatever. Just an idea.

I apologize to all for not being able to make it through and continue. Hopefully the break will clear my head at least enough to come back fresh and with a positive out look. Also, the first card when I do come back will be the one we're waiting for now as it's not completely finished yet. (As in it's barely even started). So just think of the card post poned due to the war or something, which is probably how I'll work it into the storylines.

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