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Boyish grin flashes over his features. Yes, that was more like it. Those hungry eyes of his just about ate her all up. He could almost taste her...delicious.
Tongue darts over his lips and hands quickly extend, grasping her hips and pulling her into his embrace. Lips fasten over hers quickly. Fuck control. He was through with controlling himself. Makes it to the bed and simply tosses her down, own bulky figure following quickly. Weight pins her down to the matress as lips move to her neck and lower.
" You taste so good. "
Muttered as hands stroke at her legs. He liked her legs. Long, toned and slim. Yeah, they made his blood boil. Stubble that's sprinkled on chin [due to a delightful little spell that he found would make his hair and fingernails grow] is rubbed against one of her nipples, exhaling warm air on her bare globes, though not allowing lips to lower to her flesh. If his heart could beat, it would be pounding in his ears by now.
Usually he'd claim to cold indifference while he tortured her with his mouth and fingers, but he'd be too easy to see through now. He was very obviously aroused, as proven by his erection, now pressing against her thigh, though still hampered by his boxers. He had no intention of removing the garment for awhile. He wanted all of her. All. No half-ways. He'd stay with her in here for a week if he had to, but he'd get it all out of his system. Every sexual position evented in the history of the universe would be administered as would every type of foreplay. He'd seen her little playroom on the way up and he was anxious to get to it. But...after this.