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Subject: Quick question

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Date Posted: 14:12:02 10/18/07 Thu

I haven't posted here in awhile since me and my daughter have not had any correspondence from her father in a year and a half (gosh, time flies by). Anyway -I ran into him this week in front of our local grocery store. Long story short, I confronted him (in anger as the sight of him just pissed me off) about his contempt of court/not paying my owed child support to which he is currently $10,000 in arrears. It was an ugly scene. However, my gut instinct was that he was not using anymore. He looked good and had gained weight since I last saw him -he was actually stocky. However, probably did not attend any rehab since he had a bottle of wine in his grocery bag. Is it possible to still use meth and gain weight? He got so thin before and as mad as I am still at him for abandoning his daughter and failure to pay child support -he really looked good and healthy. Your thoughts on this??

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Subject Author Date
Re: Quick questionshawn15:03:06 10/18/07 Thu
Re: Quick questionSUSAN11:14:17 10/21/07 Sun

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