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Subject: Next phase in my life

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Date Posted: 09:32:22 11/21/07 Wed

Hi everyone. I am so excited to tell you all that the boys and I are doing great. Life has really changed for us and I am thankful to God for putting this forum in my path. Could have never done it without the support from here, the friends here, the advice whether I wanted to hear it or not at the time, it all makes sense now. thank you.
I got a new job. Another chapter in my life starts Monday and I am so excited. Stepping out of my comfort zone and putting myself back in to the world that I can show my boys the world. My confidence is better than ever.
I also have a new boyfriend in my life. I'm so glad I took time to heal and time for ME, cause that makes a big difference in the type of people I accept in my life. I'm in control of me...I like it. The boys are happier than ever. My older one is becoming a teen ager soon...how time flies. He is sweet ang loving, terrorizes his little brother (payback for all the times his little brother did that to him)and he is hormonal but I talk to my boys, so that makes a difference too. Lil One is getting not so little....he is tall like his dad, same body frame. He is so loving, so helpful, so respectful of me and is super funny. Loves to laugh and smile. Loves people. They are my life... I love them and I am so happy. Don't forget to read the Helpful Tips whenever you are doubtful.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Next phase in my lifecindy06:23:45 11/23/07 Fri
Re: Next phase in my lifeSUSAN17:07:54 11/29/07 Thu

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