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Subject: anti meth posters for schools

Lynn Hart
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Date Posted: 06:12:36 04/04/08 Fri

started working on the project last spring or early summer 2007 when I noticed that the posters I saw were all about the after effects of meth; images of white people with rotten teeth and bad hair and nothing specific to American Indian culture. Nothing had an Indian motiff, so I decided to create posters for kids to take home and share with their families and friends and to put up in their bedrooms as a constant reminder to think about the dangers of Meth. Knowing how kids are, if you give one kid something cool and make it fun to have then it becomes another tool to use to get the message across to our youth. My posters are are 11x17" highly glossed and look great! I have them in NM,WA,OR,MT,CO,ND,MN,WI, etc,etc References are available upon request. Again, please visit my website or just call me (605)-491-4598 if you have any questions at all.

The posters are very well received and are a positive tool and are effective in showing our youth a strong positive message against Meth in your community.

Yankton/Dakota Sioux
USMC Veteran
Expeditionary Forces In Rediness
P.O Box 42
Flandreau, SD 57028

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Re: anti meth posters for schoolsSUSAN18:49:54 04/07/08 Mon

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