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Subject: Touching base

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Date Posted: 10:09:17 05/24/09 Sun

Been a LONG while since I have posted or have even visited this site. Heard some bad news fro a friend about her sister so I have referred her family here.
My ex is supposedly clean. I wouldn't really know for sure because we rarely see him. He lives about 8 hours away. When he comes to see kids I observe his behavior very carefully. I think he is better. He shows no tell take signs and has gotten fat. When he was using he was deathly thin.
After losing his company 4 or 5 years ago,he has not been able to regain any type of regular employment so of course can not pay any child support. He lives with his mother and sister who have somehow determined that I'm to blame for all of this. WHAT A JOKE!! Our three kids are now 14, 11 and 10. He has two court ordered visitation days a month which he doesn't use because he can not afford to travel here. He does call the kids regularly though and sadly he STILL blames me for losing his custody rights. He still takes no responsibility for his demise.
Our kids are great and have a healthy love for their dad. they are unfortunately knowledgeable beyond their years regarding drugs and are all true leaders in their peer groups. This is one blessing that has come from this mess.
I'm still working full time and taking him to court regularly to hold to his responsibilities. He appears mostly via telephone. Another JOKE But dang I will not let up on him. We are finally at a place in the system where he will actually go to jail. 5 years in the making we have a sentencing date.
If he truly is clean he will have to find a some meaningless job to keep himself out of jail. We will finally see.
Glad to see old posts from BT,Heather, Hula and GB.
God Bless all of you & the work you do here.
Heaher hang in there. You and I started all of this at about the same time.
Can you even believe how many YEARS this journey is?
All of you...Find your strength in Christ alone. His grace is sufficient.


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Re: Touching baseHulalea02:15:15 05/26/09 Tue

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