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Subject: fiancee in denial

megan (confused)
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Date Posted: 09:20:00 08/21/12 Tue

i am engaged to a man i love very much. i knew when we had first gotten together that he had used meth for a 2 year period a few years before we got together. when i became pregnant with our daughter, he used cocaine and was smoking pot. then, the meth again. life in our house became weird to say the least. i was naive and didn't see the signs in front of me. my parents were meth users for my entire highschool career and didn't think i wouldn't be able to see the signs if it came around again. he has stolen money, lied and hasn't slept in our bed since march. he recently confessed that in fact he had been smoking, but only kept the pipe around to prove to himself that he could have it around and not be tempted. he says he hasn't smoked in about a month, but i just can't believe that. little things change around the house and i am having a hard time moving on. I am pregnant again and hoping that he is telling me the truth about quitting and "doing it right" this time. but my father said something that has stuck in my head now for weeks..."once a user, always a user". i have done a clean sweep of the house and disposed of everything.however, our work schedules allow us to spend time together overnight and twice a week, so its hard to see him high and how he is acting when he is either not home or im at work. how do i learn to trust, recognize the lies,and make decisions that best help my children and myself? HELP!!

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Re: fiancee in denialHeather14:51:21 08/29/12 Wed

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