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Date Posted: 01:10:58 01/09/05 Sun
Author: yo
Subject: great question
In reply to: Joy 's message, "how do you choose a church?" on 11:03:45 12/31/04 Fri

great question.

i like to believe that solid teaching is important, and that it's a good basis to decide where to attend.

Fellowship and the diversity/ unity of the congregation are important but i lean those characteristics more towards "facades". if a church has weak teaching, what value is fellowhsip? if a church has questionable teachings, how can unity exist?

i used to go to a small korean church once a month and than attend a "white" church the rest of the month. i love the korean church for the "ethnic" comfort plus the conservative worship style, but after a while the weak teaching from the pastor took effect on me. Having asked the rest of the congregation about the pastor's messages they too where dumbfounded.
The white church is great...strong in its teaching, but just the sheer size and the "conservative" contemporary worship style is something i'm not inclined towards.

the size of the congregation and the worship style are things that ppl can grow out of, and be flexible with..but teaching has to be sturdy and sound.

if a person was to go to church b/c of good fellowship and alternative worship styles...then...i would question there faith, but if sound teaching brings you to that church than you're going out of desire from the heart.

ps...its 430 am..and if anything doesn't make sense..i'm sorry...

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