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Date Posted: 22:59:33 02/27/05 Sun
Author: Papa Shrink
Subject: Re: Serious Question
In reply to: Papa Shrink 's message, "Serious Question" on 22:58:25 02/27/05 Sun

>Hey Bro,
>I don't know whether or not ur still reading these or
>if u have already made up ur mind. But i want to give
>u some thoughts and some may not be as christian as
>the others or what u neccissarily want to hear.
>A. Whether or not u should pursue a relationship with
>her? Well, honestly deep down inside, how do u feel
>about her and where do u see things, or would like to
>see things going? If u have strong feelings for her
>and feel they they could grow, then by all means, YES.
> If u see her in ur future, then by all means, YES.
>If God has a different plan, then he will show u, as
>long as ur seeking him and guidance for ur life.
>B. She lied to u at first, then told the truth? Ok,
>now put urself in her shoes for a minute. But first
>let me ask u a question. Have u ever told lied or bent
>the truth to someone, becuase u weren't sure how they
>would react or maybe cuase u were ashamed. If ur
>human, the answers probably yes. Now just imagine for
>a minute that you were raised in a non-christian home,
>partied, drank, and sought after the things of the
>world instead of that above. Then u become a
>christian and begin turning urself around and putting
>on ur new self. But keep in mind that, before u were
>saved, u acted in an ungodly way, whether it be
>premarital sex, drugs, gettting drunk every weekend,
>whatever. Then u run into this gorgeous, godly women,
>who was raised in a christian home, went to christian
>schools, and maybe her dads even a pastor. So u start
>dating a little bit, getting to know each other, then
>the deeper questions start coming out. The ones, u
>might share with ur high school buddies, but definetly
>not with this wonderful christian girl. Now lets just
>say that in one of the deep conversations, u learn
>that she is a virgin, and that believes in saving
>herself for marriage. Ur mind is gonna automatically
>think about ur incidents of premarital sex, and ur
>probably hoping that she doesn't ask ur where u stand
>on the issue or if ur even a virgin. But,
>unfortunatly she does. Now ur brain is probably
>turning as u search for that good godly answer that u
>know she wants to hear. Now u can tell her the truth
>and risk ur relationship beyond friends with her, or
>you can lie, or bend or stretch the truth to make it
>what she wants to hear. Which intern will allow ur
>relationship to go on. But u see, u took the of
>lieing to her. I know, i'm writing this so i make the
>rules, u lied to her. Now, even though u think ur in
>the clear, u are more in danger of destroying that
>relationship becuase u lied. Yes maybe she will
>forgive u and understand, but u broke one of the most
>important rules in a relationship. TRUST. Now if u are
>a real man and a real man of God, u would tell her the
>truth the first time and trust God with the outcome.
>See she maynot be the one, but maybe she was put there
>to help u deel with some issues from ur past that
>maybe u've just tried to forget and put behind u. But
>back to point, cause i can feel i'm drifting. By be
>honest, whether or not it was the first time or later,
>will say alot about who u are. If u tell her the
>truth, which she may not want to hear, in the long
>run, she will respect u more for ur honesty towards
>her. Now back to ur girl. She was probably ashamed
>knowing ur backround and didn't want to jeopardize her
>relationship with u. And she was probably ashamed.
>BUT, she came back and told u the truth. Don't dwell
>on the lie. Focus on her honesty and willingness to
>put her shame and guilt out in the open for u. And,
>i'm sure she was well aware that she could be putting
>her relationship on the line with u. But she cared
>enough to risk it all so that she could be honest with
>u and tell the truth. And trust me, i know it may
>hurt sometimes and u may have jealous feelings, but
>only God can help u with that. Which brings me to C.
>C. Bro, there is something that u need to realize
>about women today, christian or not. The percentage
>of virgins out there i would say between the ages of
>14-21, with 21 yrs. old being less, is most likely
>less than 20%. Now I can hear ur disagreeing sighs
>from here. I cant even count how many christian and
>non-christian women i know, not just where i'm at, but
>all over the United States. And to my surprise, VERY
>few of them are virgins. Even in my home church,
>Strong christian women jr. high, high school, and
>college age are all expirementing with premarital sex.
>See the world that we live today, is desensatized
>greatly by the media. I'm probably beginning to loose
>u. But what i am trying to say, is that is getting
>harder and harder everyday to find a women christian
>or not, who is a virgin. Especailly at are age.
>Bro, from what i understand, she has only been with 1
>other guy, and if thats the case, consider urself VERY
>LUCKY. Stop dwelling on the past and move on. I know
>i could be shot for saying this, but i even know that
>there are more than a handful of women in our class
>that are not virgins. All i'm trying to say, is
>virgins are few and far between bro. Count ur
>blessing, get over ur jealousy, and move on. And i
>dont' know this girl, but i say Pursue her. And seek
>gods wisdom and guidance though it all. I hope u saw
>this posted message, and found the time to read it.
>And i apologize if any of it was offensive and that it
>was helpful. Good Luck.
>Papa Shrink

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  • Re: Serious Question -- the guy needing advice, 15:54:08 02/28/05 Mon

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