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Date Posted: 08:13:18 04/12/05 Tue
Author: gook of hazard
In reply to: Tabby 's message, "Re: POST COLLEGE PLANS" on 06:51:34 04/12/05 Tue

What you do magic tricks??????? John P you're of the devil. puahahah just kidding bro.

so you'll be designing cell phones and other cool stuff. hmmm good luck with that. too bad ASIANS are awesome at that puahah GO SONG...GO LG...GO SAMSUNG. sorry too much azn pride.

as for the teachers out there. a vast majority of my friend are IDLS majors short for TEACHERS. they do a fabulous job of teaching from what i can tell. and JOY teachers aren't motivated by the money..it's about changing the lives. anywho just marry a stinkin wealthy man. your finances and his finances will even out:) i took a "HISTORY OF EDUCATION CLASS" so i understand your pain JOY and whoever else are teachers.

ginny thanks for the forgiveness..errr ok.. that's it than

gook of hazard.

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