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Date Posted: 14:23:01 05/05/05 Thu
Author: Rebekah Rineer
Subject: My Dad....

Please be praying for my Dad. Mom rushed him to the hospital this morning around 3am because of extreme pain. They admitted him late this morning or early this afternoon.

We got some hard news on Tuesday. Whereas his tumor marker blood test (CEA) had gone down from 27.5 in October, when he was diagnosed with the colon cancer, to 4.2 in February (0-5 is normal). Saturday's blood work showed the number back up... to 29.5. (two points higher than when he was diagnosed. We don't know exactly what it means because he is waiting for a scan of his whole body to pinpoint where any tumors may be. But - in the meantime he has had this pain. For my Dad to ask Mom to call an ambulance is completely out of character for him...so the pain was definitely extreme. Mom ended up driving him to the hospital herself.

Please pray hard for my family...Dad, Mom as she stays at the hospital with him, and the rest of us. I am at school still... have been planning to go home this weekend for Mother's Day. I have a huge deadline tomorrow at 1pm. My theology oral exam is scheduled with a written comprehensive exam beforehand. All of this with Dad has really thrown me as far as concentration in studying.

Thanks for prayin'...

~ Rebekah

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