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Date Posted: 15:51:09 06/14/05 Tue
Author: Rebekah R
Subject: Dad's home from the hospital

Most of you didn't know this - but Dad (Rick Rineer) was back in the hospital for 2+ weeks with extreme pain. They ended up doing surgery to remove a golf ball sized mass. We found out today that it was more cancer. We are so thankful that he is home now - after 15-16 days in the hospital 45 minutes away. Mom stayed with him 24/7.

Please pray that he will be able to rest much more and much better now that he's at home. Also pray that he will start to gain weight again. He wasn't really able to eat or allowed to eat a lot while he was in the hospital. So, he lost a lot of weight... even more than he had lost before he went into the hospital. He's probably about 145 lbs. right now. Pray for wisdom - that we will know, that my parents will know, the next step we should take.

It is a very hard road - emotionally, physically, etc etc etc.

To answer YoEl's question about summer plans - this has been my summer so far: being here at home, taking care of a big house, a ministry, feeding 6 people, homeschooling two younger siblings, etc. I had been offered two full time jobs up at school, but knew I was needed at home - and knew that God was leading me home. I have an amazing sense of contentment being here, helping out, even though it is very very hard at times. I may start actively looking for a part time job to make some money here soon... but for now - my full time job is here at home.

As for the fall - now that I've graduated... It all really depends on how things work out with Dad. How he recovers and how he continues to be health-wise.

Please pray... Thanks....
E-mail any time. I miss you guys!!! I will be at Katy and Trent's wedding - Lord willing.

~ Rebekah

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