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Date Posted: 08:20:01 09/24/05 Sat
Author: Tabby
Subject: Hurricane Rita has passed

Hello everyone. There is nothing like evacuating (or so trying to) Houston. I drove up to Houston on Wednesday with boards to board up my grandparents house and Keith house. Then we had a mandatory evacuation. It was Terrible. I drove 80 miles on Wednesday night and a total of 24 miles in a 14 hour day on thurdays. We were trying to go to dallas to my brothers house but after contining driving for more then 24 hours straight we just decided to camp out at my aunt and uncles in Tomball area. It was to much traffic to try to go further.We had a parking lot on the highway for hours. We waited out the storm here and are safe. So that is the important thing. David Collins called last night to check how I was. His unit was activated to Lake Charles to help clean up or help out with whatever needs to be done. I know many of you were praying for everyone in the storms path. Thank you. We had minimal damage which is GREAT! Thanks for your prayer. Keith and I go back in to Lake Jackson tomorrow. Keep us in your prayers and everybody affected by this. I am very thankful that we are safe and sound. Love you all. Cheers

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