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Date Posted: 05:41:53 08/04/18 Sat
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Everything went according to the plan, developed the night before. Frans and Nigel together with mountains of baggage and a long tail of servants carried them to Edinburgh. It was surprisingly fast way of movement because the marquis had an opportunity at the first signs of fatigue to change horses and to order the most expensive service. They with the spouse were going to float to Paris from Leith port who was slightly aside t of the Scottish capital. Strange route. To go to the North that then by sea to go to the South! However nobody ever set questions concerning whims of the marquis, just as nobody found out why for him two more livreyny footmen were necessary. The tall man and the young man occupied the carriage together with other servants, absolutely not distinguishable from them at the same time Dominique didn't cease to make laugh all constantly.
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The loud laughter has amplified.
To hide the fire on cheeks, Catriona has turned the head to a window and began to look diligently in him. She was awfully weighed by a prickly wig and also an inconvenient suit and too close neighbourhood of servants. The men packed into the close clothes looked very untidy, and only Dominique remained still elegant. From his livery the light aroma of a cedar and a lavender proceeded.
When Dominique has finished the next indecent story, men have begun to exchange rough jokes, without suspecting about presence of the woman. Yes she here also doesn't exist, Catriona has thought. As the woman she has turned into the invisible being.
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In Newcastle they have stopped on a lodging for the night.
In the first hotel of the city of marchionesses I have ordered apartments for myself with the wife and a penthouse for servants. Maids and footmen have received about the room for two, and besides with one bed. Dominique led Catriona to her closet located under a roof peak. The room was no more, than a closet, however in it there were two narrow beds.
– And it is our apartments, – he has reported. – Warmly and chilly. And on the area it is more, than it is necessary to us. Well as, I need to apologize for all that I have told in crew?
The light wig accurately framed his high cheekbones. By contrast with him his eyes were unusually green and bright. Now he looked not as the servant – it was the brilliant lord reminding aristocrats of the past century. He has also reminded her her great-grandfather in a picture where Maknorrin has been represented in 1745, in the tartane over clothes, with a sword at a hip.
Catriona has pulled together a wig and has sat down on one of beds.
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Dominique has carelessly begun to undo buttons with the tiny griffins of marchionesses and servants engraved on them I marked the same as the property. Strange, but they, appear, were proud of it.

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