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Date Posted: 05:59:57 09/02/02 Mon
Author: Seamus
Subject: I'm leaving for the land of sheep!

Hi all!
glad to see you got my pics, just a selection to keep you up to date with my hectic celebrity tourist lifestyle.
Just in time as I leave Australia in 3 days............I am very sad and depressed as I love it here (and have also taken copious amounts of class A's on the weekend!!!!!!!!!)which may account for my mental state!

I am organised as ever, not knowing a single thing about NZ apart from the fact that there are 200 sheep per person or something, I have about $400 and fuck all idea about what life will hold for me there, lets hope the grass is as good as they say and I meet some people half as nice as the ones I have met here.

Still missing all you lazy bastards, looking forward to a Didsbury massive renunion in the next year, please give me some inspiration with regards to what I am going to do with my life when I get back as I have no bloody clue!?? maybe I could join Fraser with the refugee crisis in Leeds!
Take care all,
Thanks again to Stu for his stirling work in maintaining the Vodkadiet

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