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Subject: Re: once monthly additional club meet. *LOOK*

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Date Posted: Wed, 14 June 2006, 06:23
In reply to: laurence 's message, "Re: once monthly additional club meet. *LOOK*" on Wed, 07 June 2006, 00:55

yo party people im in thailand at the moment until ????? depending on whether on not i decide to stay here with my fleet of new thai brides who wait on me hand and foot, giving me massages and hand weleef!!!!

i would like to offer my services design wise as we need to keep the whole thing to the same kind of style as the new logo and business cards, and vehicle descriptions so the club has an overall feel that people can reciqnise easily. as i have it all on disk it would not take long to mock up a website design, i also know a little bird who may be able to upload it 10 dollar cheap cheap!!! as i have no job now this wouild be easier to fit into my tight scedule.

hope alls fresh and funky in the land of the hottest chicks in the world .......apart from thailand.

over (the other side of the world) and out (of my clothes most of the time)

Burns (really easy)

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