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Subject: Diabeties Type II and my failed claim process

Gary Weeks
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Date Posted: 07:29:36 06/12/07 Tue

Last year I was diagnosed Diabetis type II by my private physician. After speaking with a couple of friends at work I went to the VA clinic, which I've been to few times due to service connection of my knees and trying to work a claim for sleep apnea, and informed them of my doctor's diagnosis. They asked me to provide them with documentation from my doctor which I did and never heard another word. I filed a claim with both the V.A and DAV and they disallowed the claim. I'm tired of fighting for for something that I didn't earn but, was exposed to by my service to this country.
Since I've been retired I have been diagnosed with Sleep Apnea (VA says not connected because diagnosis was after discharge even though there were no test done before retirement), and now diabeties. The last time I spoke with a VA rep he told me to have a medical review of my records by a doctor, now how am I supposed to be able to afford that, since I don't think I would trust a VA doctor to find anything in my favor.
The V.A. has not helped DAV cann't be reached or only calls back knowing you will get the message after they are closed. I give up. I have to work to take care of my family I don't have the time or money to fight you any more. I gave this country 24 years, why is it that I have to prove anything (I'm guilty), I was there behind the fogger as it went around the perimeter, eating my box lunch as it went by, I drove the perimeter and flightline every night I was stationed at NKP from Mar 75 to Oct 75 and then during days at Korat until Jan 76.

Suggestions, recommendations, points of contact anything will be welcomed. Since I work full time it is hard to get things accomplished because of my work but, anything anyone could provide I would be grateful. garylweeks@suddenlink.net

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[> Subject: Re: Diabeties Type II and my failed claim process

Bill Griffith (NKP 1973-74)
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Date Posted: 17:07:59 07/06/07 Fri

>Last year I was diagnosed Diabetis type II by my
>private physician. After speaking with a couple of
>friends at work I went to the VA clinic, which I've
>been to few times due to service connection of my
>knees and trying to work a claim for sleep apnea, and
>informed them of my doctor's diagnosis. They asked me
>to provide them with documentation from my doctor
>which I did and never heard another word. I filed a
>claim with both the V.A and DAV and they disallowed
>the claim. I'm tired of fighting for for something
>that I didn't earn but, was exposed to by my service
>to this country.
> Since I've been retired I have been diagnosed with
>Sleep Apnea (VA says not connected because diagnosis
>was after discharge even though there were no test
>done before retirement), and now diabeties. The last
>time I spoke with a VA rep he told me to have a
>medical review of my records by a doctor, now how am I
>supposed to be able to afford that, since I don't
>think I would trust a VA doctor to find anything in my
> The V.A. has not helped DAV cann't be reached or
>only calls back knowing you will get the message after
>they are closed. I give up. I have to work to take
>care of my family I don't have the time or money to
>fight you any more. I gave this country 24 years, why
>is it that I have to prove anything (I'm guilty), I
>was there behind the fogger as it went around the
>perimeter, eating my box lunch as it went by, I drove
>the perimeter and flightline every night I was
>stationed at NKP from Mar 75 to Oct 75 and then during
>days at Korat until Jan 76.
> Suggestions, recommendations, points of contact
>anything will be welcomed. Since I work full time it
>is hard to get things accomplished because of my work
>but, anything anyone could provide I would be
>grateful. garylweeks@suddenlink.net

I too served in NKP from Oct 73 - 74 and ten years ago I was diagnosed by my physician with Type II Diabetes also. Since then I have contracted neuropathy, tumor in the pituitary gland, a brain tumor, and I am also experienceing a growth spurt but only on my right side. Last month, I was recently denied compensation for the diabetes and neuropathy for the third time. I am like you this whole process is rigged against us. It was even reported that the USAF destroyed most of the records that showed the use of most of those chemicals in Thailand. Also like you, I don't know of what else we can do. But one thing I do know is that a lot of fellow wets that served in Thailand are getting very sick and no one is really addressing the Thailand issue at all.

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[> [> Subject: Re: Diabeties Type II and my failed claim process

Bobby Dixon
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Date Posted: 09:47:33 07/26/07 Thu

Hi Brother; I was stationed at NKP as a sentry dog handler from Mar. 69-70. Was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes less than 6 weeks after discharge. Turned down 3 times by the VA. Suffer from 2 heart attacks, 2 by pass surgeries, amputated right leg above the knee and less than 30% blood flow in my left leg, loss of feeling in left leg, neuropathy. We got a raw deal!!!!!

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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Diabeties Type II and my failed claim process

Robert A. Laughlin, Attorney
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Date Posted: 14:56:38 03/07/08 Fri

My response to your posting in 2007, is this, how recently were you turned down. It sounds like you need to keep appealing. I would be interested in corresponding with you since I have another Thailand vet who is already 100% but have issues on appeal for prostate cancer and diabetes type II.

Robert A. Laughlin
Attorney at Law
11605 Arbor St., Ste. 107
Omaha, NE 68144-2990
tele: (402) 334-0900
fax: (402) 334-0534
email: rallaw@radiks.net

>Hi Brother; I was stationed at NKP as a sentry dog
>handler from Mar. 69-70. Was diagnosed with type 2
>diabetes less than 6 weeks after discharge. Turned
>down 3 times by the VA. Suffer from 2 heart attacks, 2
>by pass surgeries, amputated right leg above the knee
>and less than 30% blood flow in my left leg, loss of
>feeling in left leg, neuropathy. We got a raw deal!!!!!

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