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Saturday, February 22, 09:10:10amLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1 ]
Subject: Re: Korat Air Base '64 and '65

William Malloy
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Date Posted: 10:13:24 01/24/09 Sat

I was at Korat several times between 1964 and 1967. Type 2 diabetes is my complication. VA is challenging my contention that AO was sprayed next to the runway at "Camp Nasty". Any photos would be greatly appreciated. I can attest that the jungle next to the runway had been cleared by herbicides. Since I saw c123's (UC123) flying around the area (primary AO spray craft), the only logical conclusion is that AO was the defoliant used.

Thanks for any help!

>>can you please send me a copy of the pictures of what
>you have on agent orange and writeup abount it being
>dis spoused in korat thailand needing proof to help
>me out i was stationed in korat thailand camp friend
>and was in the 31st field hospital need buddies
>letters they say they lost my records on my medical
>paper my stay in the 31st field hospital at camp
>friendship is where i was at or if any can help me out
>i was in the service from 1965 1972 and was with also
>the hhd 379th siginal bn spt also spent 71/2 years in
>service and this is what they tell me help any of my
>buddies out their james j jeffcoat head nurse of the
>31st field hospital were duffy caint remeber her first
>name but that was her name in the army does anyone
>where i can locate her for a letter she can write for
>me being in the hospital

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