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Subject: Phu Mu | |
Author: Thomas P. Widmer (PO'd) | [ Next Thread |
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] Date Posted: 07:28:19 05/31/11 Tue Howdy, Don Harmon! I was stationed at Phu Mu from October of 1973 until sometime in late 1974; I was a Federal Electric tech controller; my boss, the FEC site supervisor, was James M. "Wimpy" Wincer, and I also knew the US army sergeant in charge of the site, Terry Colvin. I too am showing signs of Agent Orange exposure (COPD); I probably got double-dosed because prior to the Phu Mu assignment I worked on the flight line at Udorn (Sgt., USAF, radar weapons systems tech on F-4s). Never heard of Operation RanchHand while I was stationed there, or about how the Udorn Security Police had done autopsies on their deceased canine buddies to figure out why they were all dying of cancer. Gotta wonder what else they didn't tell us. I am preparing to file a disability claim with the VA and would greatly appreciate any advice/suggestions/contacts/supporting evidence you may be able to provide. Sorry to hear of your medical issues; the "war" that wasn't never really ended, did it? [ Next Thread | Previous Thread | Next Message | Previous Message ] |