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Saturday, February 22, 08:45:24amLogin ] [ Contact Forum Admin ] [ Main index ] [ Post a new message ] [ Search | Check update time | Archives: 1 ]
Subject: Need help with any info that would help in my appeal to the VA.

Marvin R. Atchison Jr.
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Date Posted: 22:58:29 08/06/11 Sat

I need to file an appeal with the VA, and I need any information related to Agent orange being used near or on Ubon Rtafb Thailand from Feb. 1967 to Feb. 1968. In June of 2010 I was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma Cancer, stage 3. I also have type 2 Diabetes and Neuropathy. Its been so long that I don't remember anything that would be helpful to me, so I'm reaching out hoping to get some help. I worked in the Comm/Nav shop. They mentioned in my rejection letter that my job duties did not put me working near the perimeter of the base, and I do remember the perimeter fence was only a few feet from my shop, where we caught the base bus to travel from barracks to the work shop several times a day, depending on shift schedule. I'm assuming they are admitting the use of agent orange around the perimeter of the base. If I had a drawing of the base showing the perimeter would be helpful.
I would appreciate any assistance.

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