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Subject: Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?

Jacque (Zamora)
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Date Posted: 12:47:00 07/09/12 Mon
In reply to: Douglas E. Nippert 's message, "Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?" on 13:48:39 08/06/11 Sat

>I was at Utapao for the second half of 1972 and the begining of 1973. I lived in the NCO housing which was very close to the staging area for the aircraft leaving Utapao. This was very close to the perimeter of the base. I worked in the bomb dump which was on the perimeter. Try talking to the VA about this and all they say is, prove it. Anyway the reason I am writing this is because I have been rejected by the VA and have to go in front of a DRO sometime soon. I would appreciate any information, especially pictures. Thanks for lending an ear. Or eye or something.


Jacque Zamora

I was at Utapao for one year in 1975....They sprayed
>dioxin..Agent Orange all the time...I developed
>diabetes ..I never took a picture of it....it seemed
>routine, I lived in a prefab 2 story barracks by the
>fence perimeter...I still think of that stuff in my
>throat..The Thai guards went on strike, I was a two
>striper and had to pull guard duty in the different
>tower around the base..They were always spraying to
>try and keep the jungle at bay...I have no idea how to
>prove it..Doug
>>>The reply to your question is definitely. I have
>>>>that it was sprayed on U-Tapao and Korat in June
>>>>at a minimum and NKP from 1966 - 1972.
>>>>There will be a report posted later, (when I get a
>>>>good copy next week).

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[> [> Subject: Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?

dennis (wallace)
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Date Posted: 18:42:41 07/08/14 Tue

>>I was at Utapao for the second half of 1972 and the
>begining of 1973. I lived in the NCO housing which
>was very close to the staging area for the aircraft
>leaving Utapao. This was very close to the perimeter
>of the base. I worked in the bomb dump which was on
>the perimeter. Try talking to the VA about this and
>all they say is, prove it. Anyway the reason I am
>writing this is because I have been rejected by the VA
>and have to go in front of a DRO sometime soon. I
>would appreciate any information, especially pictures.
>Thanks for lending an ear. Or eye or something.
>Jacque Zamora
>I was at Utapao for one year in 1975....They sprayed
>>dioxin..Agent Orange all the time...I developed
>>diabetes ..I never took a picture of it....it seemed
>>routine, I lived in a prefab 2 story barracks by the
>>fence perimeter...I still think of that stuff in my
>>throat..The Thai guards went on strike, I was a two
>>striper and had to pull guard duty in the different
>>tower around the base..They were always spraying to
>>try and keep the jungle at bay...I have no idea how to
>>prove it..Doug
>>>>The reply to your question is definitely. I have
>>>>>that it was sprayed on U-Tapao and Korat in June
>>>>>at a minimum and NKP from 1966 - 1972.
>>>>>There will be a report posted later, (when I get a
>>>>>good copy next week).

I was at Utapao 74-75, I have had several of the conditions the VA states AO causes. I also need proof that the Jet engine test cell was near perimeter of base any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank You,


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[> [> [> Subject: Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?

Thom Nelson
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Date Posted: 07:11:22 08/18/15 Tue

I too was stationed @ U-Tapao 74-75 with 6th APS living in the prefab barracks. Whatever was being sprayed always seemed to float our way.
Contact with 463L equipment(pallets, fork lifts, k-loaders, cargo nets, tie down equipment) for loading/unloading aircraft as well as aircraft themselves. Breaking down of general/hazardous cargo received and distributed to appropriate locations. I have Type 2 diabetes and will be tested for Parkinson's if my appeal gets approved. Apparently only AFSC codes related to military police get consideration. Any help with info from anyone with a 60551 AFSC would be appreciated.

>>>I was at Utapao for the second half of 1972 and the
>>begining of 1973. I lived in the NCO housing which
>>was very close to the staging area for the aircraft
>>leaving Utapao. This was very close to the perimeter
>>of the base. I worked in the bomb dump which was on
>>the perimeter. Try talking to the VA about this and
>>all they say is, prove it. Anyway the reason I am
>>writing this is because I have been rejected by the VA
>>and have to go in front of a DRO sometime soon. I
>>would appreciate any information, especially pictures.
>>Thanks for lending an ear. Or eye or something.
>>Jacque Zamora
>>I was at Utapao for one year in 1975....They sprayed
>>>dioxin..Agent Orange all the time...I developed
>>>diabetes ..I never took a picture of it....it seemed
>>>routine, I lived in a prefab 2 story barracks by the
>>>fence perimeter...I still think of that stuff in my
>>>throat..The Thai guards went on strike, I was a two
>>>striper and had to pull guard duty in the different
>>>tower around the base..They were always spraying to
>>>try and keep the jungle at bay...I have no idea how
>>>prove it..Doug
>>>>>The reply to your question is definitely. I have
>>>>>>that it was sprayed on U-Tapao and Korat in June
>>>>>>at a minimum and NKP from 1966 - 1972.
>>>>>>There will be a report posted later, (when I get a
>>>>>>good copy next week).
>I was at Utapao 74-75, I have had several of the
>conditions the VA states AO causes. I also need proof
>that the Jet engine test cell was near perimeter of
>base any help is greatly appreciated.
>Thank You,

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