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Subject: Agent Orange

Danny Steinbeck (Upset)
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Date Posted: 14:03:00 01/26/13 Sat

I was stationed at NKP Thailand in the Security Police 1972-1973. I am now 60 years old and have many health problems. I was tested for Agent Orange in May 2004 and was told I was OK at this time but I would get something, Unknown what or when it would happen. Their were 1640 cops in the Country of Thailand and the government NEVER told anyone to this day that they were at risk of getting sick.I think it sucks that they knew this and it was not disclosed. I have filed a claim and waiting for there answer. Is there anyone else who was there when I was? I was on the tiger flight and wan the the swing shift and I was a SGT and was assigned to charlie sector most of the time. Please contact me with any info you have?

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[> Subject: Re: Agent Orange

Hans Gaston (Bland)
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Date Posted: 09:13:46 07/09/13 Tue

>I see ur message is from 01/2013. U have a good case, believe me. SPS and K9 from all the Thailand bases were exposed to AO. I hope u filed a claim. I filed a claim a few moths earlier, November 2012 online. Then got together all the paperwork and documents I could. Sent them to the VA. July 2013 - paperwork approved. Ischemic Heart Disease and triple bypass. Keep at it. Get everything together correctly and send it in. They will respond. If I can help send me an email. Was K9 at Korat and U-Tapao, 1974-1975.

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