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Subject: Re: awarded Herbeside exposure Ubon Thailand

Robert L Jackson
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Date Posted: 20:20:43 02/06/14 Thu
In reply to: .Robert Williams 's message, "awarded Herbeside exposure Ubon Thailand" on 16:12:24 10/15/13 Tue

I was assigned to the 8th FMS at Ubon RTAFB from Aug 70 - Aug 71.My barracks was across the street of the base perimeter. I walked to and from my duty station next to the base perimeter. I worked at the Jet Engine Test Cell. To get to the test cell I would walk up the bomb road and go in behind the test cell and aircraft run-up pad. There was no vegetation in the area the walked through. Even after the monsoon season nothing would grow. I have diabetes, had cancer of the rectum (it was cut out), heart pulsation. I believe Agent Orange was sprayed in this area to clear a kill zone, because there was a bunker and a watch tower erected there. Since the VA won't recognize AO in Thailand except for K-9 personnel, how can I convince them that I was exposed to AO? Also the night pesticides being sprayed, the fog saturated the barracks. Can you help me?

Robert L Jackson, MSgt USAF, Ret

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