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Subject: use of agent orange in nam phong may 1972

william wayne reinmuth (concerned william wayne reinmuth)
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Date Posted: 11:37:31 02/25/16 Thu

I have always been concerned about this.
I went to Nam Phong Thailand in April or early May of 1972.
I was in NMCB (naval mobile construction batallion)5.
My ranking was E4 (3rd class petty officer).
I am following this thread because I was there when all this was going on. I seem to be of fairly good health at the moment but am concerned about what I am reading about agent orange being used the same time I was stationed there building hooches,strong backs, hospital, generals quarters, etc. for the pilots and such.
I believe I left there in September of 1972.
Please make sure I get any pertinent news about this.
Keep me in the loop.
Thank you,
William W. Reinmuth

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