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Subject: Re: Korat Air Base '64 and '65

michael beckett (depressed. angry, and numb all over)
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Date Posted: 14:17:16 12/29/16 Thu
In reply to: joe zwielich 's message, "Re: Korat Air Base '64 and '65" on 10:13:05 05/27/08 Tue

>>I was at 31st. field hospital in 1964 for 1 year and have spent my entire years since in depression , anger, and have had severe perifial neuropathy in all 4 of my limbs. I have had surgeries. seen severial phyc. docs. and am still in their care. I am under much medications for pain, chrons in my intestines, and have very many medical issues throughout my years. I am going to see the VFW this year about some kind of VA disability where I live in Morehead Ky..I am currently residing in Quartzsite Az. for the winters for help with the pain.Didn`t know others had problems with the agent orange then and there. If there is anyone who can help me with this, I sure would like to hear from you. beckett5801@yahoo.com

>I want to know who else was in my position ? I was at
>Korat for 12 months during 1970 and 1971. I was with
>the 42nd TEWS.
>Can you please give me any info on what the procedure
>is for submitting a claim or , if I do, how are they
>being processed?
>I know there was AO at Korat and that they perimeter
>was sprayed on a regular basis. I just don't know
>where to start.
>Joe Zwielich

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