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Subject: Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?

Romeo Opichka (searching)
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Date Posted: 14:45:05 04/15/17 Sat
In reply to: Kurt Priessman 's message, "Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?" on 22:41:03 10/25/07 Thu

>The reply to your question is definitely. I have proof
>that it was sprayed on U-Tapao and Korat in June 1972
>at a minimum and NKP from 1966 - 1972.
>There will be a report posted later, (when I get a
>good copy next week).
Can you email me a copy of the proof please. I have been engaged in a battle with the VA for over five years and they stay committed to the old "base perimeter" junk that they put out in a public health news letter 10 years ago.

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[> [> [> [> Subject: Re: Agent Orange exposure at Utapo AFB ?

Susan Black
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Date Posted: 12:52:24 01/16/19 Wed

>>The reply to your question is definitely. I have proof
>>that it was sprayed on U-Tapao and Korat in June 1972
>>at a minimum and NKP from 1966 - 1972.
>>There will be a report posted later, (when I get a
>>good copy next week).
>Can you email me a copy of the proof please. I have
>been engaged in a battle with the VA for over five
>years and they stay committed to the old "base
>perimeter" junk that they put out in a public health
>news letter 10 years ago.


I have been trying to get my husband service connected. Every time he is denied. I have re-opened his case. He also served at U-Tapao RTAFB Thailand from 1971 to 1975.
He was diagnosed with prostate cancer and has developed other medical problems.

He was a Aircraft Maintenance Specialist (Jet Airplane Mechanic over two Engines.

Will you please e-mail me proof that agent orange and other chemicals were sprayed on U-Tapao?

Any and all information will be and is appreciated.

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