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Date Posted: 09:14:54 05/22/06 Mon
Author: Danita Gonder
In reply to: Danita Gonder 's message, "Re: ANTI-AMERICAN (NEW BREED OF TERRORIST)" on 09:06:49 05/22/06 Mon

I am married to a Marine John Gonder (3/1 H&S Co. 1970-71)
WE are supporting his opponent. TEll him what you think of him calling our Marines COLD BLOODED Killers and AIDING THE ENEMY.

read this from a daughter of a Vietnam VET,
FROM Laura Armstrong:

I am so disturbed by what Jack Murtha is doing -- again. I'd like to suggest that Operation Street Corner troops sound the alarm via their e-mail lists and encourage their friends to send a small contribution to Murtha's opponent this November (her website is listed below). Let's show Murtha just what we think of his comments portraying our Marines as cold-blooded killers. Stuff happens, but as John O'Neill said tonight on Hannity, the guys who've been accused can't speak up. Murtha is being unfair, and his words encourage our enemies. He needs to go, and yes THERE IS SOMETHING WE CAN DO ABOUT IT. ...

SUPPORT MURTHAS opponent Dianna IREY!!!!!!!
GET RID OF MURTHA and his kind!!!(we have a nick name for him: PELOSI POODLE
here is contact info on Diana:

Web site: http://www.irey.com/
Diana Irey for Congress
600 Park Avenue
Monongahela, PA 15063

Phone: 724-258-2300
Fax: 724-258-8600
Email: Diana@Irey.com
Dianna also had a written response to Murtha the Poodle:

click on http://www.irey.com/news/Read.aspx?Id=8
Irey Responds to Murtha’s Comments that
U.S. Troops Killed Iraqi Civilians in Cold Blood

Monongahela, PA – Today, Washington County Commissioner and Republican Congressional nominee Diana Irey responded to her opponent’s recent comments claiming that U.S. Troops were responsible for the death of innocent Iraqi civilians.

...“There is no doubt that my opponent’s disregard for the presumption of innocence and Due Process will have an adverse effect on troop morale. Unfortunately, instead of showing support for our military personnel, his partisan rhetoric will only harm our country at this fragile time. His continued comments are a devastating blow to millions of men, women and children in the Middle East who are just getting their first taste of Democracy.” Irey said.

>>Saddly, you are correct. I read the post on the
>>message boards connected to news stories on Yahoo and
>>am amazed at the utter hate and disrespect these
>>people have for our veterans and our President. They
>>praised Bill Clinton for dodging the draft and now
>>slam George Bush for only serving in the Guard. They
>>gleefully supported every action of Bill Clinton,
>>knowing he was a pathelogical liar, when he sent
>>troops to Kosovo, Somalia and Haiti. As I recall no
>>one even suspected any of those countries had "WMDs,"
>>yet we had troops in those countries and the libs
>>never complained. Now we fight terrorist in Iraq with
>>good reasons and Bush is now called a "liar" and
>>"murderer." I seem to remember 90 Americans being
>>chemically and psychologically tortured for weeks
>>before being burnt to death on Bill Clinton's orders,
>>yet no liberal outcry then either. It isn't about the
>>action in their minds only the actors. They are
>>secular socialist bent upon the destruction of our
>>culture and economic system at any price.
>>Clarke Steele
>>>With thier Protests and Rally, a New Breed of
>>>has Grown Within our Country and Worldwide,they used
>>>"CONSTITUTION" to voice thier Un-American comment
>>>our Country, Military and Our Presidents.Which give
>>>more support to the Iraqi Killer of Women and
>>>Childrens, and his
>>>Goal is to Destory Us.All the Protests and Rally are
>>>Plan and Funded by Powerful People,Movie actors,
>>>Big Companies and now the Democart Party like the
>>>Presidents, Cliski's and Carter with his picture of
>>>Castro beside him and certian Congressmen/women
>>>against our
>>>Presidents and Country and puts our Military in
>>>In Whittier California, War-Protesters destory a 9/11
>>>Display that was build by Childrens and Parents of
>>>They Stomps and Burn 47 American Flags and the Police
>>>do anything, The protester placed Poster of
>>>as WarMonger,Baby-Killer,Oil Barron Bush.Protesters
>>>will now
>>>block Federal Building on Sit-down and Break our
>>>they are doing giving Iraqi Killer the Bullets to
>>>Military Overeas. "Have We Forgotten"

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