Date Posted:14:19:12 08/21/06 Mon Author:Bill Cooper (I was with 1st platoon fox 2/1 on operation union) Subject: Re: Operation Union 1967 In reply to:
Otto Lehrack
's message, "Operation Union 1967" on 14:50:35 09/10/05 Sat
>Marine Vietnam vet an author wants to make contact
>with members of 3/1, especially Mike Company and the
>Battalion CP group that responded on 21 April 1967 to
>an emergency Bald Eagle to help out the beleagured
>F/2/1. Lt.Col DeAtley commanded the battalion but was
>hit upon landing in the LZ and medevaced. Mike
>Company landed with them and went to assistance of
>F/2/1. The company commander, Captain Wood, two of his
>platoon commanders, and 79 enlisted men were wounded
>within the next 24 hours. I am working on a new book
>on operations in the Que Son Valley in 1967 and would
>like to talk to Marines and corpsment who
>participated. You can check my legitimacy as an
>author and vet by putting my name into a search on
> Please reply to
>Semper fi