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Date Posted: 18:16:38 02/23/08 Sat
Author: Mike Williams
Subject: Re: H&S co. 81"s 67-68
In reply to: Tom Wistuber 's message, "H&S co. 81"s 67-68" on 15:31:32 01/02/08 Wed


I was attached to LIMA and later to KILO Company from Headquarters Company 3/1 as a radio operator for the 81mm Forward Observer assigned to these outfits ... would like to hear from my FO's or anyone from these outfits - I was with LIMA company in early January when MIKE and KILO Company were over-run @ the sand dunes - desert position. We were returning from patrol when we were ordered to turn around and provide support - things had quited down by the time we got there.
Later when I was with KILO Company when their Headquarters Company was hit by 155mm 'friendly-fire' from Army guns manned by ARVON gunners.
I was a short timer in December when the 3/1 boarded the USS Valley Forge for deployment on Float Phase and was reassigned to 3/5 till I went home the following week. I'm trying to locate anyone serving with KILO or LIMA Company 3/1 during these times or with Cpl. Ned Boland HQ Co. or
L/Cpl.John Francis Heaney HQ Co. or Cpl. Mike 'Sully'Sullivan, 'red-man' Fernback, Mortenson or 'big-boy' who came over on the ship with me - landed in Da Nang harbor on December 28th 1966
I was attached to LIMA and later to KILO Company from Headquarters Company 3/1 as a radio operator for the 81mm Forward Observer assigned to these outfits ... would like to hear from my FO's or anyone from these outfits - I was with LIMA company in early January when MIKE and KILO Company were over-run @ the sand dunes - desert position. We were returning from patrol when we were ordered to turn around and provide support - things had quited down by the time we got there.
Later when I was with KILO Company when thier Headquarters Company was hit by 155mm 'frendly-fire' from Army guns manned by ARVON gunners.
I was a short timmer in December when the 3/1 boarded the USS Valley Forge for deployment on Float Phase and was reassigned to 3/5 till I went home the following week. I'm trying to locate anyone serving with KILO or LIMA Company 3/1 during these times or with Cpl. Ned Boland HQ Co. or
L/Cpl.John Francis Heaney HQ Co. or Cpl. Mike 'Sully' Sullivan, 'Red-Man' Fernback, Mortenson or 'Big-Boy' who came over on the ship with me - landed in Da Nang harbor on December 28th 1966

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  • Re: H&S co. 81"s 67-68 -- David Tallant, 10:47:46 06/05/08 Thu

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