I was with 3/1 inda co 2nd platoon m60, 269 to 2 70 i am pretty sure I was in elephant valley. dodge city hill 37 hill 55 and a few bridge positions. >>Jim, your patrol leader wasn't Sergeant Frank E. Diaz
>was it ????
>I am looking for anyone involved or anyone who knows
>>anything about the June 19/20, 1970 firefight in
>>Elephant Valley by India Co.
>>I have never really cared to know much until now. I
>>have heard a couple of stories. One is that we were
>>shot up by our own troops. The other one was we got
>>caught in a VC ambush. I was medivaced out and spent a
>>year in hospitals. I guess I never really thought
>>much about it until now. I hold no grudges at all. I
>>would just really like to know.