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Date Posted: 18:18:29 03/21/14 Fri
Author: pat goral
Subject: Re: VietNam '68, 3/1 Afloat Phase from USS Valley Forge
In reply to: cpl GARY ANDERSEN 's message, "Re: VietNam '68, 3/1 Afloat Phase from USS Valley Forge" on 17:49:00 10/26/09 Mon

>>>>>Anyone know of information or links to 3/1 Units in
>>>>>VietNam during all of 1968? Especially those
>>>>>in the Afloat Phase whereby us Marines where
>>>>>into hot zones from Qua Viet, Kha San, Quang Tri
>>>>>and as far
>>>>>south as DaNang (at the 'Nano' bridge). PLease
>>>>>Thanks much,
>>>bernie contact doc. peoples at 1 405 496 1858 or don
>>>cosgrove at1 573 221 0291 as my # 1 281 229 1171 we
>>>were all on float. inda co 3/1 they can help you out
>>>they are more up to date than i am.hope this helps
>>>lynn sutton
>>I Was on-board the Valley Forge 12/67 and was wounded
>>during operation Badger Tooth. Eventually retired as a
>>result of the wounds. Very interested in speaking with
>>anyone involved during that time.
>I was on uss valley forge`in 67-68 was on several
>operations also was sent back to subic bay to reload
>on personal after heavy losses on one operation never
>told us what operation it was also in village near
>cavit river for several months remebered get pounded
>with artilery from north daily and being pulled out
>during xmas for christmas meal on ship ordered by ship
>comander. Was with fox company most time.

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