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Subject: To webmaster.

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Date Posted: 05:00:26 03/18/03 Tue

hello webmaster

first i want to say that i'm not trying to start anything or get banned from here. I just wanted to ask if there was a problem with this place and joaqrophenia because I saw a posted message in there that was talking about casey sites and joquin sites being at war with one another sort of. This is the only casey site i've seen around anymore and so i was curious if there was a problem between your site and them. i wouldn't want there to be any bad blood between fansites because I just feel like the internet is a big enough place for us all to be in it. Would there be any way you could respond to that? i'll post the message that was in the Joaqrophenia site today. maybe you could shed some light on the issue because I'm a little confused at the content of the message when I haven't seen anything written in here about it. Did you delete some bad posts and I missed it?

<<<< are right about curtain - "things"!

Second I am tired of dealing with Casey Affleck fan sites and Joaquin
fan sites and their constant fighting over who found it first.
Get over it! We are all stealing it from someone, somewhere!! This
would be so much more fun if there wasn't greedy people that demand
attention! Please try to remember my motto: "Nowhere in the rule book
does it say we can shove a flag up Joaquin's ass and claim him ours!!"

Lastly, I will be shutting Joaqrophenia down (permanently) sometime
tomorrow. I personally have decided to go back to lurking the news,
then fighting in the front lines for it!

Please take any, if not all, the images and or past news, tomorrow.

Joaqrophenia 2 will stay open, feel free to do with it as you see
fit :):):)>>>>>>>>>

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