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Subject: Message Forum Updates

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Date Posted: 14:51:21 04/25/03 Fri

To make the message board more fan friendly, the "Password Requirement" for posting has been lifted for now. The administrators at Voy Forums, which is where this board is from, has created some new features for board owners to take advantage of. I may be using the new features here, or I may decide to simply use another forum-base for our Casey Affleck Message Center.
I've checked into Cool Boards as well as a few others, Ikon boards etc, and I'm really more interested in a forum that's easy to run as well as affordable to own and maintain "ad and pop-up-free".

It will cost $25.00 per six month period to maintain this forum without ads as well as to make it possible for you to use your own username to post. I like the latter feature on this board, but I really like the different catagories for messages you can have with Ikon and Cool boards, though their costs I believe are higher for ad-free features. And since I don't get as much traffic around here yet, (which I blame on the Password requirements for posting) it isn't really neccesary to have different catagories until the traffic picks up. So for this reason I've decided to lift the Password Requirement in here so as it may encourage new visitors to post their messages about Casey and his work.

However, I still have full moderation of this forum as well as the posted messages contained in it. If I get fans posting as Casey Affleck or any other celebrity's name or if people start posting under the site's admister's name CaseyAffleck.net, I will delete those posts immediately, as well as ban those IP addresses of the people responsible.

I never censor people's opinions or feelings in this board even if they dissagree with the mine strongly and I'm all for free speech in here. I wont however, have spamming, solicitation, or impersonating others in the forum.

Thank you and Happy Posting

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