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Subject: Casey Merchandise Update

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Date Posted: 05:32:54 06/13/03 Fri


Welcome to all the new visitors to CaseyAffleck.net-com. Our counter is already nearing 13,000 hits and we haven't even reached our one year anniversary yet. And of course to all the regulars as well... Keep coming back!

Here are some site updates for this week.

Check out the Articles section for all the new exerpts and mentionings on Casey's new films and appearances. Some material may not be dated as new but it may very well be new to CaseyAffleck.net, so for that we've added a little graphic to assist fans in finding the latest stuff we add.
The Interviews section also has that little added feature as well.

The Merchandise store's Novelties section is for the most part down because the AuctionWorks storefront that contained those items is down for now. That will explain the dead links when you click on those items. We don't know if that StoreFront will be back, if they are gone for good or even if they are setting up their own website for their products on a seperate web host, so for that reason we haven't removed the novelties section yet. So for future reference, just keep checking that section and sorry for the inconvenience. If we locate another source for Casey Affleck merchandise.... we'll let you know first!

Also, we still need volunteers for the Fan-Reviews section here. We need fans to send in their own reviews of Casey's various films. Good, Bad, or In-Between. The best opinion on films is from the fans anyway right? So we need those. And remember, you can pick whatever film you want to review as long as you've seen it.

The Articles section has a bit more updates that anything else this month. There are a lot of The World Of Tomorrow bits and pieces, including an Angelina Jolie article about the film. The WOT Movie page itself here has been updated a bit as well.

The Titles & Descriptions section has also been updated with material taken from one of Casey's own past resumes as well. It includes his appearances in sitcoms such as Family Matters (which we're looking for here, so if anyone has it on tape, please email us...we can work something out) and Read To Go. His stage performances also have been mentioned. Any information on some of that stuff would be very helpful, though I imagine hard to find as well, but if any one place can locate it... this would be the place! Keep checking with us.

Thanks and stay with CANET for all your Casey Affleck info.


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