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Date Posted: 12:12:53 09/03/02 Tue
Author: Liam
Subject: Hardcore title all read

The Hardcore Title is 24/7 so feel free to attack the champion as long as you get me,Derek,Gel or Ben to make the official count for you. The Current Champion is "SLIGOWOOD"Taitt,he can be attacked anywhere here are the HARDCORE RULES:

1. Weapons or any other items can be used APART from ACCTUAL sledgehammers,chairs,kendo sticks,canes as that may kill someone and I dont' care even if Gibb does have the title.

2.Only Liam,Derek,Jarrod and Ben can make the count.We can screw you if we want the title to stay on r shows arguing with the ref may result in beating.

3.The title can be won anywhere,any day,any time.As long as one of the 4 officials r there you can win it.

4.If u r caught beating someone up SHAME u must not let any teacher know of the existance of the SWE!!

5.If u attack someone and the offical isnt there u can't pin him.

6.Closed punches r allowed as long as they don't touch the head that could hurt somebody and coudl get out of hand.Anyoen breaking this rule will not win the title even if u have the pin or submission locked in.

7.Officials can only win the title if they get permission from all other officials.Just because your official you can't count 1...2...3 for yourself.

8.If a teacher pins the champ ie.touching him while hsi shoulders r pinned you MAY ATTACK THE TEACHER!!Unless he gives it up or is stripped.

9.If your champion and you get hurt TOUGH you knew what u were getting yourself into when u won it.

10.Have fun thats what the SWE is all about.

Hope this helps oh and u can win the title on this board if your atack is fair otherwise I'll reverse it.

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