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Date Posted: 23:36:37 08/14/07 Tue
Author: sherry (Praying my son will come home to Yeshua)
Subject: Prayer request for my son, Isaiah Paul, age 20

I would like to request sincere and serious prayer for my son, Isaiah Paul, age 20, to fully and completely come home to Yeshau. He was raised to love Jesus and always did, so much, and then, in his mid teens he became friends with many non believers and was led away. I believe that the he also encountered much false Christianity and hyprocits in young people his own age in the Sunday "church" who talked the talk but walked a different walk. There were many such young people his own age at that time who were self righteous, and in their own little groups, who were very judgemental, and played games, and excluded him, which caused him to turn away. I believe they were from the Sunday church families who made him feel he wasn't good enough to be included in their little groups, so he turned away and turned to the total non believers who were waiting to snatch him up. I pray there will be some true young persons of his own age, young men and young ladies who truly love Yeshua, (he will be 21 in December) who will come to his rescue and be willing to witness him back to Yeshua by showing Yeshua's true love, acceptance and forgiveness. He is just now moving back home with me, after having been in the world, and is trying hard to start over and go back to school, get his education, and make something of his life. I know Yeshua loves him dearly and wants to lead his education in a direction that will glorify Him, (Yeshua) and in which Isaiah Paul can serve Him. I felt led to this website to request prayer for him, and to say that if there are any young people his age reading this, who truly Love Yeshua, who will be willing to help a young brother get back where Yeshua wants him to be. You can email him through my email address, "Fawngirl100@msn.com" until he sets up his own email address on my computer. Thank you so much!
Sherry (His Mom)

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