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Date Posted: 22:54:08 07/21/09 Tue
Author: Rabbi Stanley
Subject: Re: guidance
In reply to: D.D. 's message, "guidance" on 12:42:34 07/20/09 Mon

I understand how you feel. Many have been hurt by the Church. There's a saying that the "Christian Army is the only army to shoot their own wounded". It's very true. What we have to do when we are hurt by so called Christians is realize that the ones hurting us may not even be real Christians at all. They may be wolves in sheep's clothing put there by the Enemy to hurt Yeshua's true followers. The other possibility is that they ARE Christians but are failing in one area or another. Perhaps they have been hurt and are lashing out as well, it's no excuse but that may be the case. We also have to understand that G-d does not call us to abusive situations. If these people are hurting you, leave and never go back. We have to use our common sense and know when to get out. What I do is I also guard myself. It takes a long time before I will consider someone as a true friend. Time will prove all things. The more I open up to someone, the more vulnerable I am, so I want to be sure that if I pick a friend, it'll be someone who I can trust. I am friendly with many people, but I only have very few friends. They are solid friends who I have invested in for many years and who I respect. Sure they could also turn on me, but the chances of that are slim though I still always remember that people are people and they are flawed. I don't attend many Churches, I go to Messianic Synagogues. Churches don't care so much about the Bible anymore (not all of them are bad but many of them are). It's a social club for them. Messianics are more interested in keeping the Laws of G-d so of course they're closer to Him. The closer we are to Him, the better person we become. So change your friends if they aren't supportive of the good things you do. To forgive someone doesn't mean we have to be around them.
Let me know how it goes.
Rabbi Stanley

>Yes, I need help. I have been a "born-again" christian
>for several years. I honsetly love father God with all
>my heart but I just keep getting hurt and confused by
>pastors and fellow beleivers at local churches.They
>lie about me, accuse me of things, and alienate me.
>And when they are nice they say false things of me or
>call me out during sermons. I am a normal mother of
>two children, I have no family of my own and I would
>just love to attend a church where people just love
>God. I have had a long hard life I just wished that
>people would just be real and stop faking their so
>called love for Father. So I just do not know what to
>do? Do I continue to go to the same church? God does
>tell us that we must forgive others and be patient
>with one another...but I feel uneasy about all of this.

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