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Date Posted: 20:38:13 06/16/11 Thu
Author: R. Stanley
Subject: Re: Passover
In reply to: Kathy 's message, "Passover" on 08:30:18 02/21/11 Mon

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply.
The best thing to do is do as your husband says. This is a higher Mitzvah (Commandment). Do what you can that will not upset him. Do this for unity within the household. Gently try to guide him, if he rebels, back off for a while. Do not come on too strong, he is still the leader of the household. Pray and fast for him and keep the Commandments you can. If you show him the change in your life you will have more success in showing him the truth.
Let me know how it goes. Rabbi Stanley

>Dear Rabbi
>I am a messianic believer, a gentile. I am learning so
>much about following Torah and am very excited. I am
>however faced with a dilemma
>My husband and children do not agree with what I am
>doing. I attend a Messianic Synagogue each Shabbat and
>I try to obey the Torah in all that I understand at
>this time. I can not say the blessings with them at
>the table but I say them before they come in. You see,
>we have gone to church for most of our lives and had
>believed what they had always told us about the Bible.
>The L- rd has shown me his truth over this past year
>and has put in my heart such a love for the Jewish
>people I can't go back to doing things the old way
>anymore. My question is,what about Passover, and
>removing all the leaven from my home? I know my
>husband will go out and buy bread if he sees we are
>out of it, what should I do? I feel this is very
>important and I don't want to do the wrong thing.
>Thank you for your help.

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