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Date Posted: 06:04:23 01/19/03 Sun
Author: Darkpaw Bladear
Subject: ;;Darkpaw quickly swings her blade around, knocking the star away from her head and moving quickly out of the way of the lower star, but not fast enough. The star jabs through her boot and into her calf. *Winces* She pulls out the star and tries to ignore the pain as she throws it into a tree. She uses the star as a step and pulls herself into a tree. She quickly replaces her blades w/ her bow and shoots rapidly at Nightflame's sides, stomach legs and head. They twirl after her one after another.;;
In reply to:
Nightflame The Slaver
's message, ">((Go, make a move))" on 09:37:51 01/18/03 Sat
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