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Date Posted: 10:38:56 02/22/03 Sat
Author: font ender
Subject: end font
In reply to: Max 's message, "**He jumps about a foot off of the ground, narrowing missing the swinging blade. He smiles at his opponent's critical error. Quickly he thrusts forward with all his might while his opponent is still in mid swing, aiming for the torso area of his opponent. OOC: I won't kill ye or even hurt ye if I win, 'tis just trainin'.**" on 10:36:32 02/22/03 Sat

>>*She enters, looking around for a
>>beast to fight. Her bright almond-shaped lapis lazuli
>>eyes look for a suitable opponent. Her black neck and
>>hinquarters contrast with her orange-gold fur. Not
>>restricted by skirt or cloak, she wears for fighting a
>>simple emerald tunic.**

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  • (OOC: You can't catch me that way! Just watch!) *She continue swith her swing, though sees the blade. Letting go of her own weapon, she throws herself to the ground, lashing out with her paw at his legs as he goes by, carried forward with his own momentum. Then she leaps back, up and forward, retreiving her weapon, and awaits his move.** (NT) -- Tawn, 07:36:23 02/23/03 Sun
  • Uhhhh, yeah. You can't just let go of your weapon when you're in mid-swing. If you did it would go flying, which means you wouldn't be able to pick it up later. Also, I was thrusting forward while you were swinging, which means you couldn't stop me after you were done swinging. (NT) -- Max, 09:28:13 02/23/03 Sun

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