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Date Posted: 14:03:45 02/26/03 Wed
Author: Lt. Veerthofen
Subject: One additional trainer has been added. Serge Voltrax is highly experienced and per my request, he will help training. He will take the third challenger before the Ensigns. Remember, this is also sort of a contest, and you get a trained patch for participating (you don't have to win)
In reply to: Lieutenant Maximilian Veerthofen 's message, "Announcement..." on 09:13:37 02/26/03 Wed

>Ok this is just an announcement to any members of the
>As the commanding officer(CO)of the Eastern Shores
>Army Division I will be hosting a basic training
>program for any poorbeasts of the Eastern Shores Army
>Division. After you graduate from the course (fight
>either myself, Sergeant Darkpaw Bladear, or any of the
>Ensigns), you get to wear an unofficial division
>role-play trained patched(which is a contest I am
>hosting also to design the patch: E-mail me if you'd
>like to join it.) So reply to this message if you'd
>like to take the course. The rules are: no
>auto-hitting, state your weapons before you fight, and
>first come, first served, so the first one to reply
>will be fighting me, the second Sgt. Bladear, and the
>third, fourth, and fifth, the Ensigns. Good luck!

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  • "My weapons are daggers, bolas, and longsword. I won't use my axe for this." Having heard the anouncement, he walks over, waiting.** (NT) -- Roccred, 16:38:50 02/26/03 Wed
  • "Ahem...you still have to finish our fight..." (NT) -- Serge, 11:12:49 02/27/03 Thu
  • Well, Serge. Since your a trainer now, why don't you officially finish it. Then Roccred will get his patch. (NT) -- Max, 09:57:00 02/28/03 Fri

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