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Date Posted: 15:20:17 03/29/07 Thu
Author: Leland Gaunt (Pointed)
Subject: Ilegal Immigration Will Destroy This Country

Why politicians of BOTH political parties will not bone up to the illegal immigration problem. Eventually radical chicano activists of MEChA/La Raza/Maldef will make their presence known in Vermont.

Closer to Vermont such as in Baltimore, Maryland there was an immigration raid today according to Yahoo News...March 29, 2007.

This is why there is problems in the American Southwest as our borders have been compromised away in lieu of "cheap labor" and "cost effectiveness".

When we fail to defend out international borders through strict border enforcement; we will loose this country. Cultural, language, traditions, heritage, customs accordance to 240-years of history of this great Republic will be thrown out the door.

Radical types such as fifth column types of immigration "rights" types will surplant existing authority. Thus a splintering of this country through a Balkanization process will be a modus operendi.

*MEChA is a nationwide radical Chicano group that advocates the return of lands to Mexico. These lands consist of 7 or 8 southwestern states including California. MEChA is a radical student group found on many university campuses today. Including UCLA, USC, Arizona State University, CSUN. And yes MEChA has chapters on east coast college universities like Columbia in New York State.

Please go to Yahoo Search and type in letters MEChA and you will see several websites that will give you further info concerning this radical; racist student group so-named MEChA.

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